From Africa, By Africans for Africa

The future is here! Motherwell Integrated Systems has now unveiled plans for a TV reality show titled: Friends Nigeria Project! The first ever Nigerian edition of the show will feature 20 contestants, drawn from across the states competing for a grand prize of NGR 5, 000, 000 and a brand new SUV and Ten others with a total cash prize of a million Naira each. To win the prize, the 20 participants will have to live together for 60 days.

Friends Nigeria Project as the world’s first TV reality show, a project of Motherwell Integrated Systems is an initiative that will further inform and re-awaken the public on the need for attitudinal and lifestyle change towards people living with HIV/AIDS, broadening the participation of our youth in the dialogue on the future of values that will be effective for society’s response to the challenge of PLWHA.

The project is a future lifestyle® initiative that is set to drive the advances against HIV/Aids into new and uncharted territories by promoting our future lifestyle propositions geared towards the notion of Africa's irreversible transformation

* The legacy of a new spirit of problem solving
* The search for transformational knowledge
* Intelligence for intense creation
* Extreme confidence and self esteem
* A shared notion that with the right combination of intelligence, dilligence, scientific excellence and relentless efforts any situation can be altered.

As an African or friend of Africa, blog your opinion to this spot about the project. Your ideas are highly welcome.

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